Saturday, December 29, 2012


Can`t wait for the weather to get warmer.. I miss wearing shoes! And it will get better for me soon as I will be spending the new years eve somewhere warmer. I`m off tomorrow and I`ll tell you more about it when I get back. Enjoy the last of 2012!

Sweater: Topshop
Jeans: River island

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

At home with me

Little bits and pieces of my home. I have such a good Christmas feeling here that it`s kinda sad that this special time of the year is over again. It goes by so fast.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

From Russia with love

I had a fun shoot in Russia for the Aeroflot calendar in November. Did`nt want to write about it before I had the end result and now I can share it with you too!
Almost ready.
The opera stars pic is in the making!
Let`s shoot this thing!
View from my side.
Off duty..  
Beautiful St. Petersburg.
The studio.
And the end result.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Yes yes... I`m still alive. Barely though, I have been sick almost from the first day when I got back from London. Feeling better now, just in time for Christmas :) Anyway, here is a short post through pictures about  my London trip. Since I`ve been there 3 or 4 times already, we did`nt do the usual touristy stuff. This time it was about shopping and just enjoying time with my beautiful friend Kadi!

Frozen yoghurt is my new addiction!

Sunny saturday market.
Christmas at Oxford street.

The weather was sunny and lovely for the whole time I spent in London.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An overload of red

An overload of red balloon pictures but I just could`nt help myself. Maria, my photographer, did an excellent job taking these pictures. One of my favourite set for sure!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


And for those of you who have instagram... feel free to follow me: marilinkaareste :) 

My lion... Bruno! 

Friday, December 7, 2012


I had already forgotten these pictures. Feels weird watching these now when there is snow everywhere :) And I don`t usually wear this kind of make-up, these pics were taken after a photoshoot. Cant wait to see the results and share them with you aswell. I`m off to London today but I have a few posts prepared for you and if I have time I`ll update from there too. If not... then you`ll hear from me when I`m back!

Jacket: Selected Femme
Necklace: Lindex
Skirt: Zara
Boots: Högl
Bag: Rachel Roy

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A perfect sunday

How would you spend your perfect sunday? Mine was quite close to perfection last sunday. A long morning at home with coffee in bed, fed Bruno (the cat) and mr. Nupos (the squirrel on my balcony) then off to our beautiful old town for some more coffee and a long walk. Quite perfect indeed.

Monday, December 3, 2012

3rd of December

Can`t help but love this beautiful weather we have at the moment. I`m sure this love will pass in a few days when it gets really cold and I get stuck everywhere with my car. And that already happened today but thanks to some helpful young men I was out in no time! And I`ll also share a pic of my little friend who comes to my balcony almost every day now for food :)

Meet Mr. Nupos!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December love

My favorite time of the year is coming and I could'nt be happier! I've been listening to Christmas songs all morning and decorating my home... pure bliss!

One of my fav Estonian bloggers Mariliis from Let her speak contacted me and wanted to do a post about Estonian bloggers wardrobes. You can see the post here. I'll post some pictures here too but you can see more in her blog.