Monday, January 14, 2013

From London & Dubai

So I did some shopping on my trips and here is what I came home with.
Kurt Geiger. 
Both from River Island.
Armani Exchange. Oh the story of getting this vest... I originally wanted it from London, it was 30 % off but my card did`nt go through so I thought I was not meant to get it. But I still wanted it bad, so I went back the next day and it was full priced already again. Knowing the price difference just did`nt allow me to buy it. And then I come home, check my account and sum had been booked 4 times on my card... Got it fixed thankfully. And then in Dubai... I just could`nt resist!
River Island. 
From left to right:  River Island, Warehouse, TopShop.
An addition to my growing leopard collection. Karen Millen.
And a little sale shopping at home. Both from Zara.


  1. Kõik asjad on super ilusad ja täpselt need, mis isegi oleks ostnud :D

    + mulle nii meeldib, see et sa ei osta ainult kalleid disainerrõivaid vaid just ka tavapoodidest ja siis kombineerid & näed alati super välja :)
